

  火焰箭头+水瓶=    烟雾箭头 (Fire Arrowhead + Flask of Water = Steamcloudarrowhead)
  晕眩箭头+毒药瓶=   毒云箭头 (Stunning Arrowhead +Poison Flask =PoisonCloudarrowhead)
  晕眩箭头+油瓶=    黑雾箭头 (Stunning Arrowhead + Flask of Oil = Smokecloud Arrowhead)注:原PO似乎也未实测这项。
  晕眩箭头+水瓶=    雷云箭头 (Stunning Arrowhead + Flask of Water = Static Cloud arrowhead)
  寒气箭头+寒气箭头=  冰冻箭头 (Chilling Arrowhead + Chilling Arrowhead = Freezing Arrowhead)


  烹饪锅+锤子=     敲打过的锅盔 (Cooking pot + hammer = Battered cooking pot)
  南瓜+刀子=      南瓜头盔 (Pumpkin + Knife = Pumpkin helmet)
  水桶=         水桶头盔 (Bucket = Helmet)
  动物毛皮+刀子=    皮革碎片 (Animal hide + Knife = Leather scraps)
  针线组+2块碎布=    布甲 (Needle and thread + 2xCloth scraps = Cloth armor)
  皮革碎片+砧=     布甲 (Leather scraps + anvil = Cloth armor)
  布甲+皮革碎片=    皮甲 (Cloth armor + Leather scraps = Leather armor)
  皮甲+零散鳞片=    鳞甲 (Leather armor + Scale scraps = Scale armor )
  金属碎块+砧=     金属甲 (Metal scraps + anvil = Metal armor)
  皮甲+金属碎块=    金属甲 (Leather armor + Metal scraps = Metal armor)
  皮甲+移动式厨房=   该皮甲的钝器伤害抗性+5%、切割伤害抗性+5% (Leather Armor + Mobile kitchen = crushing resistance +5% and slashing resistance +5%)
  鳞甲+砧=       该鳞甲的钝器伤害抗性+5%、切割伤害抗性+5% (Scale Armor + Anvil = crushing resistance and slashing resistance +5%)
  金属甲+砧=      该金属甲的钝器伤害抗性+5%、切割伤害抗性+5%、穿刺伤害抗性+5%(Mail Armor + Anvil = crushing resistance, slashing resistance and piercing resistance +5%)

