Embark on a fantastical journey in Robot Unicorn Attack as a robot unicorn chasing dreams of fairies and dolphins, set to the beat of Erasure's iconic 'Always.' The addictive and visually stunning ROBOT UNICORN ATTACK app is now available on Android Market, allowing you to dash and leap to fulfill your unicorn dreams wherever you go. This Internet sensation promises a magical experience filled with rainbow-sh***ing unicorns and purple shores, making it a must-have for anyone seeking a whimsical escape. Just remember, dreams are not guaranteed to come true!
> Unique and whimsical concept: Embrace your inner robot unicorn and prance through dreamlike landscapes filled with fairies, dolphins, and rainbow trails.
> Addictive gameplay: Run, jump, and dash through obstacles while listening to the euphoric soundtrack that will have you hooked from the start.
> Stunning visuals: Vibrant colors, surreal backgrounds, and charming character designs create an immersive and enchanting experience.
> Pay attention to the rhythm of the music to time your jumps and dashes effectively.
> Collecting fairies will power up your unicorn and grant you special abilities - make sure to gather as many as you can.
> Use your dash ability strategically to burst through obstacles and reach new heights.
ROBOT UNICORN ATTACK is a delightful and addictive game that offers a one-of-a-kind experience for players of all ages. With its charming concept, engaging gameplay, and stunning visuals, this app is sure to keep you entertained for hours on end. Download now and embark on an epic journey as a magical robot unicorn!
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