《谷歌新闻天气app》(Google News & Weather)IOS版是一款谷歌为IOS用户开发的通过通知中心为用户提供本地新闻、天气和用户订阅的新闻的快捷应用!
- Coverage from 65,000 publications
- Simple swipe-access to categories such as Top Stories, Technology, Sports & Weather
- Tune your layout with any of 60 country-specific editions and personalized news sections such as ‘Hollywood’, ‘NASA’, ‘Fashion’, or anything else that catches your fancy
- Tap any story for a deep selection of viewpoints, including in-depth articles, Opinion, and local perspectives 。更新日志
版本 V1.1.276 日期 2014-11-4
- 增加对IOS8的支持。