1、是一个多合一的、原创的、免费的、简单易用且快速的压缩、解压缩程序,更是一个基本款的文件总管。 2、能建立 RAR 及 ZIP 压缩档,解压缩 RAR, ZIP, TAR, GZ, BZ2, XZ, 7z, ISO, ARJ 压缩档。 3、支持的功能还有修复毁损的 ZIP 及 RAR 文件、基准测试与 RARLAB 出版的 WinRAR 基准测试兼容、分割档、加密、结实压缩、利用更多 CPU 内核来压缩数据等等。
版本 V5.30 日期 2015-9-23 - Added extraction of 7-Zip .zip.001, .zip.002 multipart ZIP and .001, .002 split files. Open .zip.001 or .001 file to browse or unpack such archive. - Archive test command works for tar.gz, tar.bz2 and tar.xz archives. TAR format does not provide file data checksums, so only validity of GZIP, BZIP2 or XZ container is verified. - "Browse for folder/archive" dialogs work correctly also in right to left languages now. - Cyrillic names support in ZIP also in pre-4.4 Android.